Determinants of Student Satisfaction on Continuing Education Intention: A Case Study of Private University in Cambodia

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Thavuth Hok
Jirapun Daengdej
Rawin Vongurai


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of determinants of student satisfaction on continuing education intention for a master’s degree at a leading private university, locating in Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. The study was conducted quantitatively and applied the multi-stage sampling technique by employing purposive sampling, simple random sampling, and quota sampling method. A sample size of 600 students from year 1 semester II to year 4 who are studying in various majors in this private university were involved. This study adapted the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) to identify the relationship and the impact of determinants of student satisfaction on student’s continuing education intention for a master’s degree at a private university. The results revealed that among six determinants of student satisfaction, 4 determinants namely curriculum quality, service facility, teaching quality, and campus life & social integration have significant impact student satisfaction. Moreover, student satisfaction had significantly affected intention for continuing education. Additionally, the most significant determinant of student satisfaction is campus life & social integration, followed by teaching quality, curriculum quality, and service facility, while college administration and financial assistance & tuition costs have no significant impact on student satisfaction.


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Hok, T., Daengdej, J. ., & Vongurai, R. . (2021). Determinants of Student Satisfaction on Continuing Education Intention: A Case Study of Private University in Cambodia. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 14(2), 40-50.


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