Investigation on Satisfaction and Performance of Online Education Among Fine Arts Major Undergraduates in Chengdu Public Universities

Main Article Content

Dalin Feng
Chaochu Xiang
Rawin Vongurai
Soonthorn Pibulcharoensit


Purpose: This research investigates factors affecting satisfaction and performance of online education among undergraduate fine art students in three public universities in Chengdu, China. The variables include perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, task-technology fit, compatibility, satisfaction and performance. Research design, data, and methods: Through a quantitative research approach, questionnaires were distributed via online and offline channels to 500 target respondents. Judgmental, quota and convenience samplings were used to collect the data. The data previously examined by Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index to confirm content validity, and by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient value to approve constructs’ reliability in a pilot test of 30 participants. Statistical analysis involves confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM), including the test of factor loadings, validity, reliability and goodness of fit model. Results: The results showed that perceived ease of use significant affected satisfaction and perceived usefulness. The relationship between self-efficacy, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness was supported. Compatibility and task-technology fit significantly affected student satisfaction. Furthermore, satisfaction is a predictor of performance. Conclusion: For online education providers, the system should be designed to be easy, useful, self-control, compatibility and task-fit to gain higher student satisfaction and performance.


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How to Cite
Feng, D., Xiang, C., Vongurai, R., & Pibulcharoensit, S. (2022). Investigation on Satisfaction and Performance of Online Education Among Fine Arts Major Undergraduates in Chengdu Public Universities. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(2), 169-177.
Author Biographies

Dalin Feng

College of Chinese ASEAN Arts.

Chaochu Xiang

Academy of Arts and Design, Chengdu University of China.

Rawin Vongurai

Program Director, Doctor of Philosophy in Innovative Technology Management, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Thailand.

Soonthorn Pibulcharoensit

EM Full Time Faculty Member, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University of Thailand.


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