Enhancing Creativity Through Organization Development Interventions: An Action Research at Beijing Polytechnic


  • Minggang Kou Beijing Polytechnic
  • Lee Hsing Lu


DOI: 10.14456/abacodijournal.2024.11
Published: 2024-04-24


creativity, intrinsic motivation, knowledge sharing, student work engagement, individual initiative, action research, organization development intervention


This study aimed to enhance student creativity by improving students ‘intrinsic motivation, knowledge sharing, student work engagement, and individual initiative which using organizational development interventions. The sample was 60 students from seven secondary colleges who participated in innovative practice activities in Beijing Polytechnic. The organization development intervention (ODI) implemented in this current research included group dynamics, appreciative inquiry (AI), goal setting, and team building, and coaching. The same questionnaire on creativity, intrinsic motivation, knowledge sharing, and student work engagement and individual initiative, which contains 25 items was distributed two times before and after ODI. Mixed methods are adopted to collect and analyze the data and test the hypotheses. Linear regression can explain whether creativity can be influenced by intrinsic motivation, student work engagement, and individual initiative. The paired samples t-test results shows that there is a significant improvement between pre- ODI and post- ODI. The qualitative results also show the student were more willing to carry out new ideas, communicating with each other more frequently, take more time to work and have more confidence when facing difficult. Overall, the students showed significant improvement after the OD intervention activities, and they were more motivated, engaged, and took more initiative in their work.


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How to Cite

Kou, M., & Lu, L. H. (2024). Enhancing Creativity Through Organization Development Interventions: An Action Research at Beijing Polytechnic . ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 11(2), 188-206. https://doi.org/10.14456/abacodijournal.2024.11

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