Cultivating Cultural Intelligence (CQ) through Experiential learning-based English Instruction at Beijing Polytechnic


  • Haixia Yu
  • Lee Hsing Lu

DOI: 10.14456/abacodijournal.2023.17
Published: 2023-04-05


The study aims to cultivate students’ cultural intelligence (CQ) through experiential learning-based English instruction. The author used convenience sampling of her 2 teaching classes 53 students as the participants of the study. One class with 26 students was assigned to the experimental group and the other class consisting of 27 students was assigned to the control group. The author used quantitative methods: the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and a semi-structured interview (20 items) based on the CQS to collect data. The Scale’s creators had done the validity test of the CQS, therefore, the author only did the reliability test of the whole Scale consisting of four parts of the four dimensions of the CQ , and got Cronbach α of  0.886, 0.837,0.742, 0.777, and 0.824 respectively. Data collected from the experimental group were analysed after OD intervention and compared with the control group, which showed that the CQ development of the experimental group was higher than the control group. Since the pre-ODI and post-ODI data of the experimental group was not normally distributed, so the author used Wilcoxon Signed-rank test which required to use median to analyse the data. Since the data was not normally distributed, the author used the mean (average) of the media to compare the increase range of CQ in the experimental and the control class. Data showed that he experiential-learning based English instruction helped cultivate the 4 dimensions of CQ, more in the experimental class than those in the control class.



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How to Cite

Yu, H., & Lu, L. H. (2023). Cultivating Cultural Intelligence (CQ) through Experiential learning-based English Instruction at Beijing Polytechnic . ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 10(2), 342-383.

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