The Enhancement of Employee Engagement to Reduce Employee Turnover Intention and Improve Employee Job Satisfaction: An Action Research on Mirac Company in Yangon, Myanmar
employee engagement, employee turnover intention (staying) and (leaving), sustaining positive change, employee job satisfaction, extrinsic, intrinsic and prosocial motivationAbstract
This action research was conducted employing both quantitative and qualitative methods and aims to reduce employee turnover intention and improve employee job satisfaction through enhancement of employee engagement in a Myanmar-Japan joint venture local recruitment company, Mirac, with 36 employees. The objectives were to analyze the current situation of Mirac Company in terms of Employee Engagement, Employee Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intention ; to develop and design appropriate ODIs to improve Employee Engagement, Employee Job Satisfaction and to lessen the Employee Turnover Intention; to determine the impact of organization development intervention (ODIs) on Employee Engagement, Employee Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intention ; to assess the causal relationships between Employee Engagement and Employee Job satisfaction and to assess the causal relationship between Employee Engagement and Employee Turnover Intention ; to design a three year proposed Logical Framework for the organization to sustain the positive change. Data collection was carried out through survey questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion and informal observations. OD interventions were designed with inputs from the employees and management. The impact of ODI was analyzed by using paired t tests and simple linear regression. The results indicate that a strong significant connection between employee engagement and job satisfaction as well as employee turnover intention (leaving) while prosocial motivation was identified as an additional driver of employee engagement.
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