Systems Thinking Approach to Transform Individual's Mindset and Identity to Improve Innovation Performance and Organizational Engagement: An Action Research Study in MIN LONG Ceramic Art Museum in China
This study was aimed at the research of the organization development interventions on the individual's Open-mindedness (OM) and Identity (ID) to improve innovation performance (IP) and employee organization engagement (OE) in MIN LONG Ceramic Art Museum in China. The research sample consists of 4 leaders and 26 employees. The research methods were the questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and participatory observation. Quantitative data were collected to examine the change in OM, ID, IP, and OE levels. Qualitative data were collected to understand the result of organization development interventions on the employees. The researcher evaluated data with the Shapiro–Wilk test and found that data were not normally distributed. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, Spearman rank Correlation Test, and Ordinal logistic regression analysis were utilized in this study as statistical tools to prove hypotheses. After the organization's development interventions, the collected data confirmed an improvement in the OM, ID, IP, and OE. Based on Qualitative findings, Employees' innovation performance and organizational involvement have improved significantly. However, the findings showed that innovation performance and organizational engagement could be improved by enhancing employees' open-mindedness and identity.
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