A Study of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Their Leadership Capacity and Competence at an International School in Thonburi, Thailand
Teachers’ Perception, Leadership Capacity, CompetenceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards their leadership capacity and competence at an international school in Thonburi, Thailand. The participants of this study were 81 full-time teachers from the selected school during the academic year 2019-2020. This researcher used the high capacity leadership instrument adopted from Pierce (2007) based on Lambert’s (2003) Leadership Capacity School Survey (LCSS), as well as teachers’ competence survey adopted from Medley’s (1977) Theory of Teacher Competence. This researcher analyzed the collected data from the survey with Descriptive Statistics, Frequency and Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The survey results showed that the teachers’ perceptions towards their leadership capacity and competence was high at this international school in Thonburi, Thailand. The r value was .677 with a significance value of .000, according to the Pearson correlation coefficient. The study indicated that there was a strong positive relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards their leadership capacity and competence at this international school in Thonburi, Thailand.
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