The Relationship Between Teachers’ Perception Toward Teachers’ Leadership Capacity and Teachers’ Occupational Stress in In-Gumla High School, Injan-Yang Township, Kachin State, Myanmar
Teachers’ perception, leadership capacity, occupational stress, In-gumla high scholAbstract
The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ perception toward teachers’ leadership capacity and teachers’ occupational stress in In-gumla High School in 2016 - 2017 academic year. The total of 45 fulltime teachers at selected School were surveyed by research instruments. The research instrument for this study was utilized to investigate the teachers’ perception toward their Leadership Capacity and their occupational stress in the school. The collected data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study found out that the level of teachers’ perception towards Teachers’ Leadership Capacity was ‘high’ and the level of teachers’ perception toward Teachers’ Occupational Stress was ‘low’ for the chosen school. As the result of findings between Teachers’ Leadership Capacity and Teachers’ Occupational Stress mean score, r value was .438, with significant correlation value of .01. The hypothesis was accepted as the study discovered that there was positive significance relationship between teachers’ perception towards Teachers’ Leadership Capacity and Occupational Stress was existing at chosen School. Teachers are recommended to seek the ways how to work with co-teachers closely than ever before and to develop skill and capacity to have high productivity and good performance to achieve organizational goals. It was also recommended for the teachers to avail the opportunities of the cutting-edge information and motivational seminars or courses to improve working conditions, and to reduce individual stress at their workplace. The management of this institution should check, evaluate, supervise and provide support to build a good relationship with the teachers to enhanced more strongly for achieving success and sustainability of school.
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