A Study of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Perception Towards Organizational Culture and Their Followership Dimensions At the No.2 Middle School, Gansu, China
Teachers’ Perception, Organizational Culture and Followership, No.2 Middle School, ChinaAbstract
The main purpose of this research study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards organizational culture and their followership dimensions at the No.2 middle School, China. The study was conducted to survey all the teachers from the selected schools manage in China during the academic year 2019-2020. In this study, the research instrument for Part II investigated the teachers’ perception for organizational culture adopted from Gruenert and Valentine’s (1998) School Culture Survey (SCS). For questionnaire Part III measured the teachers’ perception for followership dimensions adopted from Kelley (1992) Followership Questionnaire. The collected data from the survey were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Frequency and Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. A high level of teachers' perception was found based on the relation to Organizational Culture and Followership Dimensions. The r value was .493 with a significance value of .000, according to the Pearson correlation coefficient. The study results showed that the level of teachers’ perceptions towards organizational culture and their followership dimensions were high in the schools and the correlation analysis result showed that there was significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards organizational culture and their followership dimensions. To develop high-efficiency and high-quality teaching, teachers need to improve their ability of independent thinking, actively share, and accept ideas, and have independent thinking ability, and teachers need to help and support each other, encourage each other, and improve their perception of school organizational culture and followership.
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