Analysis of Factors Affecting Art Major Students' Behavioral Intention of Online Education in Public Universities in Chengdu
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Purpose: This research emphasizes factors affecting behavioral intentions of online education among art major undergraduate students from three universities in the Chengdu region of China. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influence, effort expectancy, self-efficacy, perceived satisfaction and behavioral intention were examined in the research framework. Research design, data and methodology: The researchers employed a quantitative study with 500 samples and administered the statistically survey distributing to undergraduates at three universities. The nonprobability sampling techniques were applied, including judgmental, quota and convenience samplings. Before the data collection, the Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index is used for screening the items’ quality, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient values were approved from the pilot testing of 50 participants. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were utilized for the statistical analysis, which include validity and reliability test, and goodness of model fits. Results: Each latent variable had a significant impact on the related one, except perceived satisfaction and behavioral intention. Furthermore, perceived ease of use had the strongest impact on perceived usefulness. Conclusions: Education department administrators at public institutions are recommended to identify the primary contributors for the implementation of contemporary online learning in order to enhance student engagement and learning behavioral intention.
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