Key Influencers of Innovative Work Behavior in Leading Thai Property Developers

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Thanatchaporn Jaruwanakul


Purpose: This research paper aims to investigate the key influencers that have significant impact on innovative work behavior among employees of top five leading property developers in Thailand. The conceptual framework proposed causal relationship among Transformational Leadership (TL), Work Engagement (WE), Management Support (MS), Coworkers Support (CS) and Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) Research design, data and methodology: The researcher applied quantitative method (n=400), distributing questionnaires to top to middle management employees. The nonprobability sampling includes judgmental sampling in selecting top five property companies, quota sampling in scoping market capitalization and convenience sampling in collecting data and distributing of surveys online and offline. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used for the data analysis including model fit, reliability, and validity of the constructs. Results: The results explicated that transformational leadership, work engagement, management support and coworkers support have significant impact on innovative work behavior. Management support presented that strongest impact on innovative work behavior, followed by coworkers support, transformational leadership and work engagement respectively. Conclusions: Five hypotheses were proven to fulfil research objectives. Hence, management and human resource teams are suggested to provide assessment to measure level of influencers and people development programs to enhance innovation behavior at the workplace.


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How to Cite
Jaruwanakul, T. (2021). Key Influencers of Innovative Work Behavior in Leading Thai Property Developers. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 14(1), 61-70.
Author Biography

Thanatchaporn Jaruwanakul

PhD Innovative Technology Management, Assumption University


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