The Effect of Coffee-mix Experience and Experience Quality through Perceived Value, Satisfaction towards Repurchase Intention in Myanmar
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The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing repurchase intention of coffee-mixed products in Myanmar. Content sensory attribute beliefs, and packaging and branding attribute beliefs represent experience characteristics, and are important aspects of utilitarian value. Experience quality is also used to determine customer satisfaction, and customer perceived value. Utilitarian value, customer perceived value, and customer satisfaction are hypothesized to have significant influences on repurchase intention of coffee-mixed product in Myanmar. Stratified random sampling, snowball sampling, and convenience sampling techniques were used to gather the survey (436 respondents) from online questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression to validate the conclusions. The results revealed that experience characteristics, and experience quality of this coffee-mixed brand have significant influences on utilitarian value, customer perceived value, and customer satisfaction, respectively. Customer satisfaction, customer perceived value, and utilitarian value were found to be important, and beneficial factors in repurchase intention. While all factors have a substantial effect on repurchase intentions, customer perceived value has the least impact on repurchase intentions. Therefore, the researcher suggested that the May Myo Fresh coffee-mixed company should focus on customer expectation from this product more to fulfil customer’s desire in the future. May Myo Fresh coffee-mixed company would use the results of this study to improve communication strategies, and increase sales volume in future.
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