Influencing of Online Compulsive Buying and Materialism in Health and Beauty Consequence New Normal Shopping

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The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of online compulsive buying and materialism on new normal shopping in the health and beauty industry. Depression, anxiety, stress, self-esteem, social media advertising, celebrity endorsement, consumerism, and compulsive shopping are all examined in this study. The samples (415 respondents) were drawn from an online questionnaire using probability-sampling procedures that included stratified and basic random sampling. After collecting the data, it was analyzed using simple and multiple linear regression to confirm and demonstrate the hypotheses' relevance. Multiple and simple linear regression analyses, as well as a five-point Likert scale analysis, were used to analyze the data. This study discovered that social media advertising and celebrity endorsement had a substantial effect on materialism, whereas stress, depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety have a significant effect on online compulsive buying. According to simple linear regression, materialism has a large impact on obsessive online shopping for health and beauty products in the new normal. Additionally, this study proposes that in order to acquire a better knowledge of compulsive buying behavior on online shopping platforms, researchers should examine a diverse group of respondents, such as elderly buyers, as well as other service industries. Attaining these objectives is highly likely to maintain compulsive online shopping behavior in a new typical scenario. The research paper's weaknesses include its narrow emphasis on Thailand and Thai customers. As a result, the conclusions from this research may not be applicable to other nations and will solely reflect the situation in Thailand.


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How to Cite
Nuangjamnong, C. (2022). Influencing of Online Compulsive Buying and Materialism in Health and Beauty Consequence New Normal Shopping. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(2), 80-94.
Author Biography

Chompu Nuangjamnong

Lecturer, Department of Innovative Technology Management, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University of Thailand.


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