Factors Influence Behavioural Intention in Cambodia Spa Industry
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Purpose: This study investigates and tests the significance of key customer satisfaction influencing factors that lead to behavioral intention as perceived by spa customers. Research design, data, and methodology: The self-administered survey method was used in the study. A probability model and multi-stage sampling were employed. The systematic random selection technique was used to select 450 customers from ten spas. The six constructs' causal relationship was investigated using structural equation modelling (service quality, spa image, perceived value, technological innovation, customer satisfaction, and behavioural intention). Results: Customer satisfaction has the greatest impact on behavioural intention, followed by service quality, and that customer satisfaction acts as a mediator between service quality and behavioural intention. Furthermore, service quality has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction, followed by technological innovation. Spa image and perceived value are unimportant predictors of satisfaction and intention. Conclusions: The finding suggests that providing superior service quality to spa customers during the spa service process can increase customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Meanwhile, technological innovation or adaptation will allow customers to better communicate and engage with the spa, and spa managers will be able to better understand their customers' needs and develop strategies to increase their satisfaction.
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