A Proposed HR Plan to Enhance Employee Motivation: A Case of MTA State Enterprise, Thailand


  • Somchai Rattanaparinyanon Assumption University
  • Somchai Tantasanee Lecturer, Graduate School of Business Assumption University Thailand


recognition, empowerment, performance appraisal, compensation, promotion, leadership, training and career development, organizational performance


Nowadays, with the reality of competitiveness, every organization is struggling to obtain competitive benefits as well as better performance and attain productivity plus effectiveness. Companies throughout the world, therefore, take human resources into account as the essence for business as they constantly escalate employee motivation as the force in letting employees achieve goals and organizational objectives towards more effective organizational performance. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors among operational-level officers affecting organizational performance of MTA state enterprise, Thailand and recommend plans to  enhance their motivation for better  company performance. Quantitative data was obtained  through distributed online and paper questionnaires from 260 officers at operational level used as  sample size.    The results revealed  that there was significant effect between recognition, empowerment, performance appraisal, and training and career development toward organizational performance ; whereas as for demographic factors, there was significant difference among only genders and performance. Among all of these five independent antecedents, recognition possessed the strongest effect on organizational performance.  It could be concluded that it is  imperative for the HR department of MTA state enterprise to implement plans on enhancing their motivation through relevant workshops, activities and set-up new criteria or regulations within the company in exchange for higher organizational performance.


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How to Cite

Rattanaparinyanon, S., & Tantasanee, S. (2019). A Proposed HR Plan to Enhance Employee Motivation: A Case of MTA State Enterprise, Thailand. ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 6(2), 71-98. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/odijournal/article/view/3439

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