Developing High Performance Teams through Learning Organization Practices in an Insurance Organization: A Case Study of CNT Company
This paper presents the role of a learning organization in developing the high
performance team (HPT) which is very crucial in increasing the competitiveness of the organization. To drive the business growth of CNT Company, the CEO determined that the business direction should be to double the size of the Consumer Lines Business in the next five years. Agency distribution is one of the core distribution channels for Consumer Lines with high potential for growth. The most challenging task was to elevate the Agency Team’s performance. The researcher proposed the concept of a learning organization to transform the teams into a high performance teams (HPT). To study HPT development, the researcher used learning organization building blocks as core tools. Action Research methods and Organization Development Interventions were also used. Research results showed that the development of learning organization building blocks
supported HPT development. The research results demonstrated positive relationship patterns between the building blocks and each HPT behavior, which provided an understanding of the impact of building blocks on HPT behavior development in each category. The research outcomes also revealed the positive impact of HPT behavior on productivity.