A Study of The Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceptions Towards School Climate and the Professional Learning Community at a Private School, Myanmar
School climate, Professional learning community, Teachers’ perceptionsAbstract
This study investigated the relationship between school climate and the professional learning community at Our Inspiration Academic Center private boarding school, Myanmar. The research was quantitative and correlational in design and used the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ) and the Professional Learning Community Assessment Questionnaire. Means and Standard Deviation, and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were used to analyze the data for testing the hypothesis. The 55 respondents, all full-time teachers from Our Inspiration Academic Center private boarding school, completed the questionnaire. This study found that teachers’ perceptions of school climate and professional learning community were high, and there was no significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions of school climate and professional learning community at Our Inspiration Academic Center private boarding school, Myanmar. The result of Pearson correlation coefficient for the r-value was .039 with a significance value of .775 The findings of this study showed that teachers should have to respect, share ideas among colleagues and actively involved in collaborative teaching and learning processes, cooperative work ethic to become the school as open climate and implement the school as PLC.
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