The Relationship of Self-Efficacy for Chinese as a Foreign Language Oral Skills and the Use of Indirect Language Learning Strategies for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language with Oral Skills Achievement of Grade 6 Students in Chinese as a Foreign Language Class at Satit Prasarnmit Elementary School in Bangkok, Thailand
Self-Efficacy, Language Learning Strategies, Chinese Achievement, Foreign Language AcquisitionAbstract
This study aimed to determine the level of self-efficacy for learning Chinese as a foreign language oral skill, the use of indirect language learning strategies for learning Chinese as a foreign language oral skills and Chinese oral skills achievement of Grade 6 students at Satit Prasarnmit Elementary School, and their relationships with each other. Two questionnaires and two sets of listening and speaking tests were used to collect data; one questionnaire was used to determine students’ self-efficacy level and the other was used to determine the use of indirect language learning strategies. Listening and speaking tests were applied to determine oral skills achievement of 96 Grade 6 students who studied Chinese as a foreign language in the academic year 2019-2020 at Satit Prasarnmit Elementary School. To address the objectives of this research, means, standard deviations, and multiple correlation coefficient analysis were applied. The findings indicated that the Grade 6 students at the target school had a very low level of self-efficacy and a low level of indirect language learning strategies (LLSs) use. It was also revealed that self-efficacy, the use of indirect LLSs and students’ oral skills achievement had significant positive relationships with each other.
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