The Relationship Of Attitudes Toward Mathematics And Mathematics Self-Efficacy With Mathematics Achievement Of Grade 10 Students At A Len Bum IDPs High School In Kachin State, Myanmar


  • Zaw June Assumption University of Thailand
  • Suwattana Eamoraphan Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Assumption University, Thailand.


Attitudes toward Mathematics, Mathematics Self-efficacy, Mathematics Achievement, A Len Bum IDPs High School


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of attitudes toward mathematics, mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics achievement of Grade 10 students at A Len Bum IDPs High School in Kachin State, Myanmar and the relationship among them. The study focused on 200 of Grade 10 students who enrolled in A Len Bum IDPs High School in the academic year 2018-2019. Attitudes toward mathematics questionnaire (ATMQ) and sources of mathematics self-efficacy scale (SMSES) were used as the research tools in this study. For mathematics achievement, mathematics scores from the national test in the academic year 2017-2018 (previous year) of Grade 10 students were considered to determine the level of mathematics achievement in this study. The data obtained by the ATMQ and SMSES was analyzed by descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation and by inferential statistics, multiple correlation coefficient. The findings of this study were the level of attitudes toward mathematics of Grade 10 students was high, the level of mathematics self-efficacy of Grade 10 students was moderate, and the level of mathematics achievement of Grade 10 students was moderate as well.


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How to Cite

June, Z., & Eamoraphan, S. (2019). The Relationship Of Attitudes Toward Mathematics And Mathematics Self-Efficacy With Mathematics Achievement Of Grade 10 Students At A Len Bum IDPs High School In Kachin State, Myanmar. Scholar: Human Sciences, 11(2), 180. Retrieved from

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