A Comparative Study of Grade 7 Students’ English Reading and Writing Self-Efficacy for Learning English as a Foreign Language According to Their Academic Program at Saint Dominic School, Bangkok
English Reading, English Writing, Self-Efficacy, Learning English as Foreign Language, Academic ProgramAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of English reading and English writing self-efficacy for learning English as a foreign language of Grade 7 students according to their Academic Program at Saint Dominic School, Bangkok. There were 181 students studying English as a foreign language, consisting of 53 students from Academic Program 1, 64 students from Academic Program 2, 32 students from Academic Program 3, and 32 students from Academic Program 4, in Grade 7 at Saint Dominic School, Bangkok, in the academic year 2018. This study followed a quantitative research methodology employing a questionnaire developed by Henk and Melnick (1992, 1996) composing of two parts: the Reader SelfPerception Scale used to address the level of English reading self-efficacy, and the Writer Self-Perception Scale used to address the level of English writing self-efficacy. There were three main elements included in the study: the level of English reading self-efficacy, the level of English writing self-efficacy, and the difference among Academic Program. In this study, the self-efficacy focused on English reading and English writing for learning English as a foreign language. The study found that Grade 7 students among Academic Program had high level of English reading self-efficacy, and average level of English writing self-efficacy. Furthermore, there was a significant difference both in English reading and in English writing self-efficacy among Academic Program. The study concludes with recommendations for practice and for future research.References
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