Organization Development Intervention on Users Acceptance of core Banking System in Myanmar
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This action research has three objectives, comprising 1) To diagnose the current acceptance level of users on the core banking system, 2) To implement Organization Development Intervention (ODI), and 3) To examine the impact of pre-ODI and post-ODI in perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward the use, and behavioral intention to use. The research site is MMM Microfinance Company Ltd, Myanmar, involving three groups of participants, which are loan officers, accounting, and IT departments, totaling 30 people. This experimental research employs structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews for data collection, comprising two phases: pre-ODI and post-ODI Data analysis and treatments include the Pair sample T-test and Pearson Correlation test and the contents analysis of the interview’s passages translated from Myanmar to the English language for coding. The key findings show a significant difference between the pre-ODI and the post-ODI for perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward use, and behavioral intention to use. Recommendations comprise developing the core banking software usage in the focal organization, analyzing demographic factors and the acceptance of technology, and the relation of organizational structure and technology acceptance.
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