Online Marketing and Advertising Impact Consumer Behavior toward Purchase Intention in Online Shopping
Online advertising and marketing, customer behavior, product awareness, customer satisfaction, purchase intentionAbstract
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship that social media marketing and advertising impact on purchase intention in Bangkok, Thailand. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is using secondary data analysis and an archival study approach to investigate the factors that how online advertising and marketing have an impact on purchase intention through customer behavior, product awareness, and customer satisfaction. The data was gathered from 390 respondents who have ever used online shopping in the last two months. Moreover, this research adopted three theoretical frameworks from previous studies to construct a new conceptual framework. Findings - This research examined the influence of online advertising and marketing impact customer behavior toward purchase intention in online shopping. The finding of the research revealed that online advertising and marketing have an impact on product awareness and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the strength of the relationship between online advertising and marketing and customer satisfaction is stronger than that between online advertising and marketing and product awareness. However, there was no relationship between customer behavior, product awareness, and customer satisfaction do not have an impact on purchase intention in online shopping. Research Limitations/Implication - There are some limitations to researching the influence of online advertising and marketing on customer behavior towards purchase intention in online shopping due to time and budget constraints. Moreover, this research is conducted only in Bangkok and collected data from 390 respondents as a sample size of the whole Bangkok population. So, this study may not be completely applicable to people from the whole population of Thailand and in other countries and different periods. Originality/value - This research is about how online advertising and marketing impact on customer behavior towards purchase intention in online shopping.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Chompu Nuangjamnong, Wo Wilaiporn Kongkaew, Myint Zu Ko Ko , Kitikorn Dowpiset
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