Student Leadership Capacity; Social Change Model; Training program; Normal UniversitiesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to develop a leadership training program for students in normal universities in Yunnan province of China. The training program was developed to enhance student social leadership capacity. The quantitative and qualitative method were used for the study. 373 students participated in the study. Statistical analysis was carried out to obtain the Mean and Standard Deviation. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to find significant variables. The qualitative method was used for develop training program. The overall level of student social leadership capacity in normal universities in Yunnan province was 3.71 (in a high level), which still had room to promote. The training program was developed based on the social leadership capacity and effective leadership activities. The training program contained four significant items from the data analysis results, including Community Service Projects (ß=.497, P=.000); Student Organization Membership (ß=.134, P=.005); Discussion about Leadership and Social issues (ß=.130, P=.019); Mentoring (ß=.118, P=.021). This training program was applied for 76 students in Yuxi normal university.The results of t-test showed: t (69) = -2.37, p = .02 < .05 level of significance. This was supporting that there was a significant difference between the before and after attending the training program.
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