The Relationship Between Teachers’ Perception Towards Administrative Support and Their Job Satisfaction in a Secondary Vocational School, Kunming, China
Teachers’ Perception, Administrative Support, Job SatisfactionAbstract
The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards administrative support and their job satisfaction in a secondary vocational school, Kunming, China. 83 full-time teachers from the selected school were surveyed in this research. The researcher used Mean and Standard Deviation to analysis the teachers’ perceptions toward the level of administrative support the perceived and their job satisfaction. Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation was used to test the relationship between the two variables. The result of this study showed that teachers in the target school perceived a high level of administrative support, also, teachers’ perceptions toward job satisfaction in this school regarded as moderate. Pearson correlation tested that there was a relationship between teachers’ perceptions toward administrative support and their job satisfaction. Teachers in the target school perceived. The teachers in this school feel most satisfied with the instrumental support that provides by the principal and feel more satisfied with the intrinsic aspect of their work.
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