A Study of the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Empowerment at Daruna Ratchaburi Witaed Suksa School in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand
Transformational School Leadership, Empowerment, Six Dimensions of Teacher Empowerment, DRWSAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Empowerment based on the perceptions of teachers at the school of Daruna Ratchaburi Witaed Suksa in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. Based on two variables, there were three objectives: (1) To identify the level of teachers' perceptions on Transformational School Leadership, (2) To examine the level of teachers' perceptions on Teacher Empowerment, (3) To determine if there were any significant relationship between two of those variables. In this study, the quantitative methodology was used along with 106 participant teachers at the school of DRWS. In research findings, it showed the overall scores of Transformational School Leadership and Six Dimensions of Teacher Empowerment got high level in the perceptions of teachers. Then, the positive significant correlation had occurred between Transformational School Leadership and Teacher Empowerment. Considering those results, both of those variables were moving in the same direction. It, thus, could be said the more Transformational School Leadership performed in the school, the greater teachers felt empowerment in their work life. Thus, it was recommended that in order to apply on the concept of beginning from school principal to teacher empowering, through which the feeling of empowerment of the teachers, would flow to student empowerment (Short & Reinhard,1992), it required to conduct the relationship of Transformational School Leadership, Teacher Empowerment, and Student Achievement in both at the private and public educational sectors, in Thailand.
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