A Comparative Study of Student Motivation for Learning Science and Science Achievement in The English and Thai Programs at Mathayomwatsing School in Bangkok, Thailand
Motivation for Learning Science, Science Achievement.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between
student motivation for learning science and science achievement of 55 mathayom 3 students in the English and Thai Programs at Mathayomwatsing School in Bangkok, Thailand. This study employed a quantitative methodology employing both a questionnaire as well as “O” Net scores to address the research objectives. The study had six objectives which were 1) To determine the level of student motivation for learning science in the English Program at Mathayomwatsing school, in Bangkok, Thailand. 2) To determine the level of student motivation for learning science in the Thai Program at Mathayomwatsing school, Bangkok, Thailand. 3) To find the correlation between student motivation for learning science and science achievement in the English Program at Mathayomwatsing school in Bangkok, Thailand. 4) To find the correlation between student motivation for learning science and science achievement in the Thai Program at Mathayomwatsing school in Bangkok, Thailand. 5) To compare student motivation for learning science between
students in the English and Thai programs at Mathayomwatsing school in Bangkok, Thailand. 6) To compare science achievement between students in the English and Thai programs at Mathayomwatsing school in Bangkok, Thailand. The research
findings were the level of student motivation for learning science in the English and Thai Programs at Mathayomwatsing School in Bangkok, Thailand were “rarely to sometimes” motivated and there was a significant relationship between student motivation for learning and the student science achievement in the English and Thai Programs at Mathayomwatsing School in Bangkok, Thailand. There was no significant difference of student motivation for learning science and science achievement between students in the English and Thai programs at Mathayomwatsing School in Bangkok, Thailand.
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