Examining Factors Impacting Purchase Intention of 3D Cameras of Gen Y Customers In Chengdu, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: In marketing studies, purchase intention is a key indicator for the product development, marketization and sales strategy. Therefore, this study aims to examining factors impacting purchase intention of 3D cameras of Generation Y customers in Chengdu, China. Research design, data and methodology: This quantitative research selects 500 consumers between the age of 25 and 40 years old who are living in Chengdu, China and have at least one year of experience with top three 3D camera brands. Sampling techniques are judgmental, quota and convenience samplings. Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index validity test and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test were approved before the data collection. SPSS and SPSS Amos statistical software were implemented for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), including factor loadings, convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, AVE and goodness of fit. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was applied to test hypotheses. Results: Gen Y customers' purchase intention is significantly impacted by social influence, perceived quality, attitude, satisfaction, and trust. In addition, trust has the strongest significant influence on customer’s purchase intention of 3D Cameras. Conclusions: The findings contribute to marketers and salespersons to understand motivational factors of 3D cameras’ purchase decision of Generation Y customers, leading to the development of marketing and sales strategy for such products.
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