The Impact of Work Engagement, Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Hotel Service Sector: A Case Study of a Hotel Service in Roi Et, Thailand
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The purpose of this study is to identify the factors which contribute towards organizational citizenship Behaviour of ABC hotel’s employee in Roi Et, Thailand. For the research, the variables consist of work engagement, psychological empowerment, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. The samples involve 40 full-time employees of the hotel who are managers and employees. To access the current situation, the researcher applied organizational assessment and SWOT analysis and it was found that employees needed many areas of improvement to raise higher hotel performance standards. In addition, the purpose of this study is to construct Organization Development Intervention training to the employees to maximize their capability and proficiency. Data was collected by using quantitative and qualitative approaches during pre-ODI and post-ODI stages to see the difference. The influence of ODIs were interpreted by using paired sample t-test and Multiple Linear Regression to test the relationship between variables. As a result, the key findings of this study showed that the improvements of the independent variables which were work engagement, psychological empowerment, organizational commitment have positively impacted towards organizational citizenship behaviour. The major findings of this study suggest that OCB shows positively predicts performance of the employees in the hotel.
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