Organization Development Interventions to Improve Leadership, Communication, Support, Career Development and Justice of Generation Y & Z: A Case Study of China

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Wenxiang Wu
Sirichai Preudhikulpradab


This research is mixed-method research aiming at identifying and prioritizing the Organization Development interventions to improve leadership, communication, training & development, support, and justice. Research design, data and methodology: The research also utilizes a needs assessment to examine the differences between the current and expected situations. The target respondents comprise generation Y and Z from both Zhejiang province, China. During the COVID-19 period, the researcher obtained 22847 responses from Zhejiang province, using convenient and purposive sampling. Results and conclusions: The quantitative findings show a significant difference between the current situation and the expected situation regarding leadership, communication, training & development, support, and justice (p < 0.05). According to the PNImodified value, the top three dimensions needing improvement are justice, support, and communication. The five open-ended questions' coding results revealed that respondents were dissatisfied with their organizations' five dimensions' current situation. Keywords : Leadership, Communication, Training & development, Support, Justice, Needs assessment


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How to Cite
Wu, W., & Preudhikulpradab, S. (2022). Organization Development Interventions to Improve Leadership, Communication, Support, Career Development and Justice of Generation Y & Z: A Case Study of China. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(1), 1-11.
Author Biographies

Wenxiang Wu

MMOD Student, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University of Thailand

Sirichai Preudhikulpradab

MMOD Lecturer, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University of Thailand


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