Development of E-Readiness Scale in Blended Learning in Filmmaking Program for a Private University in Bangladesh – Initial Stage
Although the Government of Bangladesh is pressuring all educational institutions to go online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the higher educational institutes are finding it difficult to adjust to the new situation. While they have begun discussing the importance of online and blended learning, they are still waiting to return to face-to-face class once the pandemic is over. This is because they are still unprepared to embrace e-learning. This study aims to develop a unified scale to assess the higher education institute's e-readiness in Bangladesh to identify their strengths and weaknesses and formulate a plan for creating an e-learning environment. The findings of this study are based on a quantitative survey, and the study was completed using a sample size of 410 contributors 345 (84.1%) students, 34 (8.3%) teachers, and 31 (7.6%) administrators from the University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh, a private university in Dhaka. Three separate assessment instruments were developed for the key stakeholders: students, teachers, and administrators. A systematic approach was used to create the institutional e-readiness scale with acceptable validity and reliability. The Scale-level Content Validity Index of the Averaging calculation method (S-CVI/Ave) value was 0.996, and the instruments' reliability coefficient Cronbach's Alpha was 0.949 (students), 0.935 (teachers), and 0.837 (administrators). The alpha values suggest the compiled instruments are good to excellent. This study indicates that the institutional e-readiness scale could assess the e-readiness of other universities in Bangladesh.
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