Development of An Instructional Design Model to Enhance Public Consciousness of Undergraduate Students by Using Service Learning Projects with Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Instructional Design, Computer-Support Collaborative Learning, CSCL, Project-Based Learning, Service Learning, And Public Consciousness.Abstract
This study was the research and development of instructional design model to enhance undergraduate students’ public consciousness by using service learning projects with computer-supported collaborative learning. Data analysis was done to identify its necessity. Data about instructional circumstance to enhance public consciousness was collected from 40 instructors and 400 undergraduate students, and the analysis was reviewed and certified by 15 experts. Research findings could be concluded that there were 7 elements of instructional design model namely (1) purpose, (2) subject content, (3) roles of instructor/student, (4) service learning project, (5) instruction media, (6) computer-supported collaborative learning, (7) evaluation tools; and six major steps included (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation, and (6) monitoring.
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