The Effects of 4c/Id-Based Adaptive Procedural Simulation on Safety Awareness in Undergraduate Students Majoring in Gems and Jewelry
Safety Awareness, Adaptive Learning, Procedural Simulation, 4C/ID, Instructional DesignAbstract
Researchers had developed 4C/ID-based Adaptive Procedural Simulation (4C/APS) Learning System, which was an adaptive learning system based on van Merriënboer's four-component instructional design with procedural simulation in jewelry production. The goal of the system was to promote learner’s safety awareness, which comprises of three aspects: 1) awareness of hazardous environment, 2) awareness of responsibility, and 3) awareness of rules and regulations. To test the effects of the learning system on learner’s safety awareness, an experiment was conducted on 26 undergraduate students majoring in gems and jewelry at Poh-Chang Academy of Arts. The 4C/APS learning system was implemented in “Metalware and Jewelry Making 2” course for the duration of 8 weeks. The result found that even though the average pretest score had been as high as 4.289 out of 5.000, the posttest mean score increased to 4.761. Paired samples t-test confirmed significant increases from pretest to posttest in safety awareness with p<.001.
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