Students’ Continuous Intention to Use Online Learning for Art Education in Chongqing, China

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Fangrui Chen
Satha Phongsatha


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the factors influencing students’ continuous intention to use online learning for art education in Chongqing, China. The conceptual framework incorporates self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude and continuous intention. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used a quantitative method to collect information from students with experience in using online software for arts education in two private institutions in Chongqing. Data collection was performed by judgmental sampling, quota and convenience sampling. The data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM). Results: The findings confirm the theory and relationship of attitude and continuous intention to use online art education software. Perceived ease of use had the most significant effect on attitudes but had no significant effect on perceived usefulness. In addition, the effect of self-efficacy on perceived ease of use was significant. Conclusion: The advantage of the perceived usefulness of online art education software is the most important factor that should be emphasized when trying to enhance students’ continuous intention to use online learning software. Therefore, this study suggests that educators should create a more suitable learning platform that can optimize the learning efficiency of students.


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How to Cite
Chen, F., & Phongsatha, S. (2023). Students’ Continuous Intention to Use Online Learning for Art Education in Chongqing, China. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 16(1), 82-89.
Author Biographies

Fangrui Chen

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Technology, Education and Management, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University.

Satha Phongsatha

Program Director, M.Ed. in Teaching and Technology, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University.


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