Factors Influencing Purchase Intention Towards Environmentally Sustainable Clothing, A Study on Millennials of Metro Manila
Main Article Content
Purpose: This research aims to determine the factors influencing purchase intention of millennials of Metro Manila towards environmentally sustainable clothing. There are several factors tested such as environmental knowledge and attitude, subjective norm, perceived value, perceived quality and social media.
Research design, data and methodology: A three-part questionnaire consisted of screening questions, demographic questions and Likert’s scale question adopted from previous researches to measure the factors influencing the dependent variable purchase intention was developed. Pilot test was conducted to determine questionnaire reliability. Questionnaire was distributed online using snowball and convenience sampling to reduce time of data collection.
Results: Data collected are analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics Grad Pack version 28.0. Results of Cronbach’s alpha indicated that the questionnaire is reliable and can be used for research with a > 0.7. Inferential analysis such as simple linear regression and multiple linear regression are used to analyze the 400 samples consisted of 53.75% female and 46.25% male. The results of the analysis conveyed that some factors are aligned with the previous researches’ outcome such as environmental attitude (b = 0.521), subjective norm (b = 0.409), and perceived value (b = 0.106) as highly influencing purchase intention while perceived quality (b = 0.039), and social media (b = -0.007) are contradicted or are insignificant in the intention to purchase.
Conclusions: Similar concept might have different results in different context. The results convey that an individual’s attitude, behavior or decision-making factors may not be easily understood or predicted, and should not be generalized. This study focused on factors affecting purchase intention of a specific generation and location, but also provides insights as how can government, business organization, and individuals contribute to address the ongoing environmental issues. An effective communications strategy can be used to enhance awareness to achieve positive results in multiple subjects of interest.
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