Refining Employee Turnover Intention through Organization Development Interventions: An Action Research on Water Filtration Enterprise in Bangkok

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Arisa Samrong
Papitchaya Wisankosol


The objectives of this research are to analyze employee turnover intention, to observe the determinants on employee turnover intention, and to develop organization development interventions to reduce employee turnover intention of sales department of a water filtration enterprise in Bangkok. The action research is conducted in three stages: pre-ODI, ODI, and post-ODI. One hundred samplers from the sales department of a water filtration enterprise in Bangkok are involved in the data collection and organization development intervention procedure. Data is analyzed by the observation of Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.), and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR).

The preliminary research results show that all variables (which are relationship with colleagues, intrinsic motivation, and job satisfaction) have negative causal relationships with employee turnover intention. The researchers then design organization development interventions to align with the findings in preliminary stage and implement with the sampling group. Pre-data and post-data are compared by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The final results confirm that all variables are improved to higher level and employee turnover intention is significantly decreased after the organization development process.


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How to Cite
Samrong, A., & Wisankosol, P. (2022). Refining Employee Turnover Intention through Organization Development Interventions: An Action Research on Water Filtration Enterprise in Bangkok. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(1), 197-206.


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