Enhancing Teachers Engagement in Heilongjiang International University through Organization Development Intervention
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The study has four objectives, including 1) To analyze the current situation of teachers engagement in Heilongjiang International University (HIU), 2) To Implement organization development intervention (ODI), 3) To examine the impact of pre-ODI and post-ODI in teachers intrinsic motivation, teaching performance, immediate supervisor leadership and teachers engagement, 4) To measure the causal relationship among immediate supervisor leadership, teaching performance, teachers intrinsic motivation and teachers engagement. This study involves two departments of HIU, with a total of 60 people. This study implemented both qualitative and quantitative research methods. This study conducted data acquisitions by structured and semi-structural questionnaires. The results of Reliability and Validity analysis, multiple regression analysis show that teachers intrinsic motivation, teaching performance, immediate supervisor leadership all have significant correlation with teachers’ engagement. And the four variables have significant relationship among each other. Through Paired Sample T-Test, the most important finding of this study is that there is a significant difference in teachers’ intrinsic motivation, teaching performance, immediate supervisor leadership and teachers engagement between pre-ODI and post-ODI. Therefore, it is recommended to enhance teachers’ engagement through improving immediate supervisor leadership, teaching performance, teachers intrinsic motivation in Heilongjiang International University.
Keywords: Teachers intrinsic motivation, Teaching performance, Immediate supervisor leadership, Teachers engagement, Organization development intervention
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