Factors Affecting College Students' Intention to Use English U-learning in Sichuan, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: This research aimed to evaluate the effects of perceived ease of use, social influence, service quality, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and attitude toward using and intention to use English u-learning on college students. Research design, data and methodology: This study was a quantitative study and the researcher obtained data for analysis by distributing questionnaires to the target population. the index of Item–Objective Congruence (IOC), pilot test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were methods utilized to analyze the data and test research hypotheses proposed. Results: The results showed that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of English u-learning, social influence, service quality, and satisfaction had positive direct and/or indirect effect on college students’ intention to use English u-learning. Satisfaction exerted the most significant influence on intention to use English u-learning. However, attitude showed no causal relationship with intention to use English u-learning. Conclusions: For English u-learning system developers, they should focus on improving perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and service quality of the system. For system promoters and management of education institutions, they ought to increase social influence of English u-learning and raise students’ satisfaction to improve their intention to use English u-learning.
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