The Factors Affecting Consumer Traits, Online Marketing Tools in Impulsive Buying Behavior of Online Fashion Stores, Bangkok Thailand
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The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting consumer traits, online marketing tools in the impulsive buying behavior of online fashion stores in Bangkok, Thailand. In this study, the researchers aim to determine which factors will be the most effect on ideal self-congruence, fashion consciousness, positive emotion, materialism, product attributes, online platform quality, and online sales promotion toward impulsive buying in the market platform of online fashion. A total of 400 participants, which contain specific characteristics such as experiencing participating fashion online platform, aging over 18 years old, and multinationalism who live in Bangkok was used as target population. Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in data analysis such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D.), and multiple linear regression (MLR) to describe demographic profile and the causal relationship between variables. In this study, results revealed that ideal self-congruence, fashion consciousness, materialism, product attributes, online platform quality, and online sales promotion have a positive significant effect on impulsive buying at a p-value less than .05, meanwhile, the positive emotion has failed to support the null hypothesis. This hypothesis testing applied that there has no significant effect on impulsive buying in online fashion stores in Bangkokian.
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