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Krisana Kitcharoen
Rawin Vongurai


The purpose of this study is to determine the key aspects that influence customer attitude towards dietary supplement and their behavioral intention to consume dietary supplements. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is studied as the theoretical framework for this study with small adjustment to derive the conceptual framework. The sample data (n=402) were collected through online questionnaire using google forms. The researcher used convenience sampling method to pick the respondents. The data were analyzed through Structural equation model (SEM) to derive model fit and test the hypotheses. From all the
factors in the TPB model, Informational influence (Subjective norm) and Perceived behavioral control did not have a significant influence on attitude and behavioral intention of the consumer of dietary supplements. Attitude is the strongest influence in shaping behavioral intention of a consumer. However even though normative influence (Subjective norm) isn’t directly significant towards behavioral intention, it does have some indirect effect. The findings of the research showed that attitude about dietary supplements has the strongest influence toward behavioral intention. However even if Normative influence didn’t have a significant direct influence, it did have an indirect effect as normative influence is the strongest and only factor that influences their attitude. Hence when promoting dietary supplement companies should focus on building a strong and positive attitude about their product through favorable normative influence. This study uses TPB to investigate factors influencing Behavioral intention to consume dietary supplements in Bangkok, Thailand.


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How to Cite
Kitcharoen, K., & Vongurai, R. (2021). FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TOWARDS CONSUMING DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 13(2), 94-109. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/AU-GSB/article/view/5231
Author Biographies

Krisana Kitcharoen

Lecturer of Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Thailand

Rawin Vongurai

Lecturer of Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Thailand


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