Improving IT Technological Communicative Competence Among First-Year Students of a Polytechnic in Beijing through a Communicative Competence Model ODI


  • Changliang Zheng Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University
  • Seongdok Kim

DOI: 10.14456/abacodijournal.2024.3
Published: 2024-04-24


organization development intervention, technological communicative competence, self-efficacy, learning motivation, cognitive flexibility, social interaction, appreciative inquiry


This research aimed to improve IT communicative competence among first-year students of a Polytechnic in Beijing through Organization Development Intervention (ODI). The researcher established the conceptual framework based on the preliminary diagnosis and previous theoretical frameworks. The sample is 42 first-year students majoring in Computer Network Technology (CNT) at Beijing Polytechnic. The researcher conducted ODIs with participants from June to July in the spring semester of 2023, a total of two months. Appreciate Inquiry (AI), Goal Setting, Team Building, and Career Planning and Development were the intervention techniques in the action research framework. Mixed research methods were adopted to collect and analyze the data and test research hypotheses. The quantitative part included survey questionnaires in pre- and post-ODI stages, while the qualitative approach included interviews, classroom observations, and reflection reports of ODI. The quantitative finding indicated that student cognitive flexibility, learning motivation, and communicative competence were significantly improved after ODI. Based on the qualitative analysis, students had an increased level in self-confidence and willingness to communicate expression after the ODIs. Students were more likely to agree that the school had a goal for future success and a strategy to achieve it. Also, they believed participating in organizational development practices would improve their skills, and they further learned the importance of social skills, such as communication, for future careers. In conclusion, the findings suggest practical recommendations for enhancing cognitive flexibility, learning motivation, and communicative competence in IT professional courses to sustain students' momentum.


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How to Cite

Zheng, C., & Seongdok Kim. (2024). Improving IT Technological Communicative Competence Among First-Year Students of a Polytechnic in Beijing through a Communicative Competence Model ODI. ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 11(2), 38-56.