The Role of Empowerment, Organizational Commitment and Working Environment on Job Performance in AAA Non-Profit Organization
Empowerment, Working Environment, Organizational Commitment, Job PerformanceAbstract
Empowerment has become a big part of our today’s job performance. For organizations in a highly competitive environment, empowerment ensures sustained productivity and creating a committed workforce. This research study assesses the needs of three factors that help to enhance individual’s job performance in the non-government organization: empowerment, working environment, and organizational commitment. A mixed research methodology was used to study the whole population in the organization. All 28 local employees responded to the survey questionnaire for quantitative research, whereas 8 key employees were selected to participate in an individual interview. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and PNI Modified. The qualitative data was analyzed using inter-coding method. The results from PNI Modified show that empowerment, working environment, and organizational commitment are the factors that have to be prioritized. The qualitative data used appreciative inquiry (AI) to explore the topic of empowerment, working environment and organizational commitment. Based on the overall results, the current situation of job performance is favorable, but PNI Modified suggested that some factors should be prioritized in order to enhance individual’s job performance. Therefore, strategies are presented based on the findings.
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