A Study on Factors Impacting Satisfaction and Continuance Intention of E-Learning Among Undergraduates in Chengdu, China
E-Learning, Perceived Usefulness, Satisfaction, Information Quality, Continuance IntentionAbstract
This study examines the key factors impacting e-learning satisfaction and continuance intention among undergraduates with a major in dance performance in three private universities in Chengdu, China. The conceptual framework demonstrates the interrelationships among confirmation, system quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, information quality, satisfaction, and continuance intention. The researcher used a quantitative survey strategy to distribute questionnaires to a sample of 500 undergraduate students selected from three target universities. Three sampling techniques were employed in this survey, utilizing judgmental, quota and convenience sampling to collect data. The collected data was analyzed using validated factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), with model goodness-of-fit, correlation validity, and reliability tests conducted for each component. All exogenous variables were found to significantly impact the endogenous variable of interest, with perceived usefulness exhibiting the strongest on satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction demonstrated a highly significant influence on continuance intention. In conclusion, system developers and educational institutions should actively collaborate to enhance the quality of learning resources. Besides instructing with self-made teaching materials, the online education system should leverage the advantages of the internet and network technology to develop e-learning resources effectively.
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