Investigation on Factors Impacting Natural Science Students' Entrepreneurial Intention: A Case of a University in Chengdu, China
Subjective Norm, Entrepreneurial Attitude, Educational Support, Perceived Behavioral Control, Entrepreneurial IntentionAbstract
This research studies the entrepreneurial intention of natural science students in a public university in Chengdu, China. The research model involves subjective norms, entrepreneurial attitude, desirability, educational support, self-efficacy, perceived behavioral control, and entrepreneurial intention. The researcher distributed structured questionnaires to 491 natural science students. The sampling methods to collect data are judgmental, quota, and convenience sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to determine the relationship between the variables under study. The data analysis proves all hypotheses, where entrepreneurial attitude has the strongest and most significant impact on entrepreneurial intentions, followed by the subjective norm. This study recognized entrepreneurial attitudes and assessment of students for the positive meaning of entrepreneurship that should be highly supported and actively guided by university administrators.
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