The Study of Influential Factors of Undergraduate Students’ Satisfaction with Flipped Classrooms in China
Flipped Classroom, Satisfaction, Task Orientation, Behavioral Engagement, Active LearningAbstract
This research paper aims to investigate the significant factors that influence the use of flipped classrooms at the Chengdu Vocational University of Art among undergraduate students. The framework considers the causal relationships between knowledge, skills, task orientation, behavioral engagement, active learning, and satisfaction in terms of research design, data, and methodology. The study used a quantitative research method (n=502) to survey undergraduate students who experienced the flipped classroom mode. The sampling methods included judgmental, quota, sampling judgment, and snowball sampling. The data analysis included structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for model fit, reliability, and construct validity. The results indicate that knowledge, skills, task orientation, and active learning significantly impact satisfaction, with task orientation having the strongest impact. The study has successfully proven six hypotheses. The authors recommend that academic administrators and teachers provide evaluations to measure the level of influence factors and student development and enhance undergraduate students’ satisfaction. The paper provides insights into the factors that influence the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning, which can help educators improve student learning outcomes and satisfaction.
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