Vocabulary Instruction Using Mobile Applications to Improve Vocabulary Breadth of English Major Chinese Undergraduate Students
Keywords: vocabulary breadth, mobile applications, Chinese undergraduate studentsAbstract
Vocabulary is crucial in English language learning and teaching as acquisition of vocabulary is a primary requisite for English language use. In today’s technological advancement where mobile applications affect all aspects of people’s lives, designing a vocabulary instruction using mobile applications to improve students’ vocabulary breadth is in line with the development of the time and can meet technophile students’ preferences in learning English language. This research aimed to develop vocabulary instruction using mobile applications to improve the vocabulary breadth of sophomore English majors in a private international university in China (experimental group, N=30; control group, N=27). This research was an explanatory sequential design and employed a mixed method combining quantitative and qualitative methods to answer research questions. The instruction, which comprised of selected language learning principles as the foundation, was designed by putting into account the findings of the learners’ needs. The mobile applications were applied during the process of vocabulary instruction. The results revealed that the experimental group who were taught vocabulary using mobile applications outperformed the control group who were taught vocabulary using the conventional method of teaching on the posttest scores of vocabulary breadth on both receptive and productive vocabulary at the significance level of .05. The semi-structured interview results indicated that students held positive attitudes towards learning vocabulary with mobile applications, vocabulary learning activities, and the effects of improvements in vocabulary breadth. The findings yield pedagogical implications on vocabulary learning and teaching using mobile applications.
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