The Effect of Inclusive Leadership on Employee Well-Being: A Case of XYZ Bank in Yunnan, China


  • Lin Chen MMOD Program


, inclusive leadership, equal treatment, employee participation, respect for employee, value recognition, employee well-being.


In the context of economic globalization and the increase of global population mobility, in order to achieve better development, organizations must employ employees of different races, cultures, skills, and other different backgrounds, which directly leads to the increase of employee diversity. At the same time, with the improvement of the quality of life and the overall education level of the staff, the needs of the staff are differentiated. In order for these differentiated individuals to work happily, organizations must meet their differentiated needs. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of inclusive leadership traits affecting employee well-being of XYZ Bank in China in response to recommended plans on enhancing the inclusiveness of leadership for higher employee well-being. Quantitative data got accumulated from 130 employees working through questionnaires. The result of the data was analyzed by using the mean score and multiple linear regression. The result showed that there was a significant effect between employee development, respect for employees, equal treatment, and value recognition toward employee well-being. Among them, employee development has the greatest significant impact on employee well-being, followed by respect for the employee has a significant impact on employee well-being, the third is the significant impact of equal treatment on employee well-being, and the last is the significant impact of value identity on employee well-being. It could be concluded that including findings, it was of imperativeness for the company to implement plans on improving the inclusiveness of leadership through relevant workshops, and set up new criteria or regulations within the company in exchange for higher employee well-being.


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How to Cite

Chen, L. (2020). The Effect of Inclusive Leadership on Employee Well-Being: A Case of XYZ Bank in Yunnan, China. ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 7(2), 39-61. Retrieved from