Employee Engagement and Innovative Work Behavior: A Case Study of Thai Airways International


  • Sanhakot Vithayaporn Lecturer, School of Business Administration Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Ann Suwaree Ashton Graduate School of Tourism Management National Institute of Development Administration Bangkok, Thailand


employee engagement, innovative work behavior, job involvement, job responsibility, career growth, recognition



The aim of this research is to examine the factors that influence employee engagement and how it impacts organization innovative work behavior. The quantitative approach was designed for this research with 320 samples of Thai Airways International staff in the positions of Check-in, Boarding Gate, Baggage Service, and Lounge Attendant. The data was collected from various ways by sent a survey questionnaire form both offline and online, e.g., email, Facebook, Line chat. The data analyses process for this study was employed Structural Equation Modelling technique by using AMOS program. The findings revealed that engagement and innovation reinforce each other, especially an innovative work behavior influenced by an engaged employee, and an engaged employee are more likely act innovatively. Each employee interacts with the customers that have more chance to create innovative work behavior. The paper contributes to both academic and management perspective. 

Author Biographies

Sanhakot Vithayaporn, Lecturer, School of Business Administration Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand


School of Business Administration

Sripatum University

Ann Suwaree Ashton, Graduate School of Tourism Management National Institute of Development Administration Bangkok, Thailand

Graduate School of Tourism Management
National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)



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How to Cite

Vithayaporn, S., & Ashton, A. S. (2019). Employee Engagement and Innovative Work Behavior: A Case Study of Thai Airways International. ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 6(2), 45-62. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/odijournal/article/view/3881