Developing High Performance Teams (HPT) through Employee Motivation, Interpersonal Communication Skills, and Entrepreneurial Mindset Using Organization Development Interventions (ODI): A Study of Selected Engineering Service Companies in Thailand
highperformance teams, team performance, entrepreneurial mindset, employee motivation, interpersonal communication skills, team developmentAbstract
Noteworthy transformation of organization design has been observed globally during the past few decades. Distinctive cultural context in each geographic region and industry require a different structure of the organization to function well. Moreover, increasing competition in the rapidly changing business landscape nowadays presents significant challenges for organization restructuring for improved outcomes and performance. Growing transformation around team structure has captured the focal attention of academics and professionals in various cultural contexts and industries. Leading global conglomerates utilize team structure as part of their structure beneficial to improve the company’s performance. This research intends to develop entrepreneurial mindset, employee motivation and interpersonal communication skills to achieve higher performance teams through the organizational development interventions (ODIs) for the selected engineering services company. The ODIs were implemented during January until May 2016 includes the four major interventions; business and communication knowledge training, motivation through job enrichment, team development activities with technical problem solving and entrepreneurial team project and dialoguing with teams and observation. Implementation of the ODIs has created the positive development on employee motivation, interpersonal communication skills, entrepreneurial mindset and team performance. After the quantitative analysis, employee motivation, interpersonal communication skills and entrepreneurial mindset statistically significantly predicted team performance. Furthermore, team performance found to be a positive relationship with the perceived performance by the customer.
Keywords: high performance teams (HPTs), team performance, entrepreneurial mindset, employee motivation, interpersonal communication skills, team development
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