Involvement Load in Translation Tasks and EFL Vocabulary Learning

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Feng Teng


This study mainly examined the effects of three translation tasks on vocabulary learning for tertiary-level learners based on the motivational-cognitive constructs of task-induced involvement load, as suggested in the Involvement Load Hypothesis (ILH) (Laufer & Hulstijn, 2001). Sixty low-proficiency level students were randomly assigned to three groups to complete one of three translation tasks that varied in the amount of involvement load: Task 1, translation-only mode (one involvement load), translation plus fill-in exercises (two involvement load), and translation plus sentence writing (three involvement load). Three-modality vocabulary knowledge of recognizing word form, recalling meaning, and producing word knowledge were measured immediately after study and two months after study. The results of the study were in line with the claims of ILH that word learning and retention in a second language are contingent upon a task’s involvement load. In the current study, word learning and retention was highest in Task 3, followed by Task2, and Task 1. These and relevant pedagogical implications were discussed. 

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Academic articles
Author Biography

Feng Teng, Nanning University

Feng Teng is a lecturer and researcher in Applied Linguistics with the department of English, Nanning University, China. He has done intensive research on language teaching methodology, the TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching), especially the effects of tasks on vocabulary learning.