Presentation of Cultural Information in a Series of English Textbooks

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Ian Glenn Carag Labtic
Adisa Teo


Although several studies have been conducted on the analysis of the cultural information in the English textbooks in Thailand, none of them focused on the presentation of the types of culture and their presentation in the four skills of language learning. With the use of the framework based on Lee’s (2009) and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001), the cultural information in the textbooks was analyzed in terms of Big “C’ and Small ”c” Culture. The findings revealed that Big “C” Culture were slightly more prominent than Small “c” Culture and both were presented in the receptive skills of listening and reading more frequently than in the productive skills of speaking and writing. This study sheds some light on the types of cultural information addressed in English textbooks to facilitate the learning of culture as a component of intercultural communicative competence and to prepare EFL students for international communication settings.

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